How to view the videos
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Degree Works course for first semester students at the United Arab Emirates University
  • How to view the videos

    06/01/2022 | 02:00

    How to view the videos

    Created 06/01/2022
  • Introduction to Degree Works

    05/11/2022 | 03:01

    brief overview of the Degree Works Student Educational Planner (SEP)

    Introduction to Degree Works

    Created 05/11/2022
    00:00:00 Student Educational Planner: An online planning system where students can plan for their whole academic journey
    00:00:00 Full Graduation Plan (FGP): A ready made template that a student can import into their plan, showing all of their courses in order from start to finish.
    00:00:00 Academic Advisor: A university employee who will support you during your studies. They may be an advisor from the College Advising Unit, a professor from the department you study in, or a specialist advisor for first year students.
  • Video1. Section 1: Worksheet view

    05/17/2022 | 04:22

    Introduction to the default view in Degree Works - Top Section

    Video1. Section 1: Worksheet view

    Created 05/17/2022
    00:00:00 Bachelor: New students from high school will follow a bachelor degree. A bachelor degree is an undergraduate degree
    00:00:00 Major: The main subject of your degree program
    00:00:00 Minor: A shorter specialist subject area that is also studied with your major (not all colleges require a minor)
    00:00:00 Program/Concentration/Specialization: Some majors have specialist subject areas that you can choose within your major.
    00:00:00 Academic Standing: Always try to keep a high Grade Point Average (GPA) and follow the plan to remain in GOOD STANDING
    00:00:00 Grade Point Average (GPA): A weighted average of your performance in all of the classes that you study.
  • Video 2. Section 1: Worksheet: Lower course blocks

    05/18/2022 | 04:41

    An introduction to the various course blocks available to students in Degree Works.

    Video 2. Section 1: Worksheet: Lower course blocks

    Created 05/18/2022
    No chapters
  • Video 3. Section 2: Planning Overview

    05/23/2022 | 03:54

    A brief introduction to the Academic Planner in Degree Works

    Video 3. Section 2: Planning Overview

    Created 05/23/2022
    00:00:00 Semester: The academic year has 2 main study periods known as semesters: Fall (August to December) and Spring (January to May). There is also a shorter summer school period.
    00:00:00 Prerequisite: A course that must be taken and passed before you can study a related course at some point in the future. For example, Course CSBP 119 is a prerequisite of course CSBP 219. You must pass 119 before you can study 219.
    00:00:00 Co-requisite (CC): This is a course that should be studied in the same semester as another course. For example, CSBP 121 is a co-requisite of CSBP 119. They should be studied in the same semester even though they are 2 different courses. In many cases, the co-requisite is a related laboratory or tutorial class.
    00:00:00 Please Note: There is a full video on Co and Pre-requisites later in this course.
  • Video 4: Section 2: Import a Full Graduation Plan

    05/24/2022 | 02:36

    How to import a Full Graduation Plan (FGP) template into your Degree Works planner

    Video 4: Section 2: Import a Full Graduation Plan

    Created 05/24/2022
    00:00:00 Template: A ready-made graduation plan with all courses included in a recommended order or sequence.
    00:00:00 F22: All templates for students who start in this semester will have an F22 template. F = Fall, 22 = the year, 2022. In the future, students who begin in Spring 2023 will see S23 for their plans. F23 templates will be for students who begin in Fall 2023, and so on.
    00:00:00 Search templates box: You can put a full word, like biology, to search or even parts of words like bio. Searching for just bio would also include Biochemistry in the list as well, or maybe Biomechanics or Microbiology, for example.
  • Video 5: Section 2: Plan Interface

    05/25/2022 | 03:46

    Overview of the different parts of the plan interface

    Video 5: Section 2: Plan Interface

    Created 05/25/2022
    00:00:00 Note icon: The note symbol indicates if a note has been attached. If the icon is grey in colour, there is no attached note. If the icon is blue, please click, open and read the note. Follow any instructions or guidance included in the note.
    00:00:00 Comment boxes (Yellow Line): These give instructions or extra information about the courses in that semester. Please read carefully and follow any instructions or guidance.
    00:00:00 Mandatory Course boxes (Blue Line): These are courses required by your major. It is best to take them in the order of the plan if possible.
    00:00:00 Choice or Elective boxes (Orange Line): You must take a course from this box but you are given a choice. Generally, you should register ONLY ONE course from these boxes.
  • Video 6: Section 2: Pre and Corequisites

    06/01/2022 | 04:09

    Understanding how prerequisites and corequisites function in relation to the ordering of courses

    Video 6: Section 2: Pre and Corequisites

    Created 06/01/2022
    00:00:00 Prerequisite course: A course that must be passed before you can move on to the next course in the series. Not all courses require a prerequisite to be completed. You can check prerequisites in Degree Works by clicking the 3 dots (ellipsis) in the course box. This will give you more information about the course, including any prerequisites that must be completed.
    00:00:00 Corequisite (co-requisite) course: A course that can be taken at the same time as another course in that semester. Corequisites are usually indicated by (CC) near to the course code in the More Information area of Degree Works. Click the 3 dots in the course box to access more information.
    00:00:00 Prerequisite and Test Score, Contact Advising Unit: This is the error message you will get when you try to register a course for which you have not passed the prerequisite course. If you receive this message, you should first check the prerequisite requirements in the More Information area of Degree Works. If you cannot solve the problem, you should contact your advisor directly or contact the Academic Advising Unit from your college.
  • Video 7: Section 2: Add a Summer Term to your plan

    06/06/2022 | 01:28

    How to add summer terms to a full graduation plan

    Video 7: Section 2: Add a Summer Term to your plan

    Created 06/06/2022
    00:00:00 Summer Term: A shorter study period (usually around 5 weeks) when students can take courses if they wish to
    00:00:00 Summer courses: Not all courses that run in the Fall and Spring run in the summer as well. Please wait for a list to be released or contact your advisor for details.
    00:00:00 Summer schedule: Courses in the Summer term are intensive in nature, and students may take 2 courses and one lab class.
    00:00:00 Summer credit hours: Please note that students may take 7 credit hours maximum without permission. This is generally 2 courses and one lab class (if required). If a student wishes to study just one class in the Summer Term, this is permitted.
  • Video 8: Section 2: Course drag and drop

    06/06/2022 | 02:09

    Moving courses between semesters using drag and drop

    Video 8: Section 2: Course drag and drop

    Created 06/06/2022
    00:00:00 Maximum credits in a semester: You cannot have more than 19 credit hours in a semester plan without permission. If you need more, please contact your advisor for help.
    00:00:00 Prerequisite courses: Make sure that you check any prerequisite requirements before moving courses into any future semesters.
  • Video 9: Section 2: Reassign Courses

    06/07/2022 | 01:36

    How to move courses between semester using the REASSIGN button

    Video 9: Section 2: Reassign Courses

    Created 06/07/2022
    00:00:00 Prequisites: Before reassigning a course to a new semester, always check any prerequisites that may be required for this course, or any courses that depend on this course as a prerequisite
    00:00:00 General education courses: The example in this video (ISLM 100) is a General education course. It does not require any prerequisite courses and is not a prerequisite course for any other course. It is therefore easy to reassign to another semester or term.
  • Video 10: Section 2: Choice or Elective Course Blocks

    06/07/2022 | 03:02

    Outline of the choice or "Elective" course blocks in Degree Works (orange line blocks)

    Video 10: Section 2: Choice or Elective Course Blocks

    Created 06/07/2022
    00:00:00 Elective: Another word for choice. Students are often given a choice of different courses to take. Generally, you should register ONLY ONE from the list. Please read any notes or comments in the semester plan carefully.
    00:00:00 Still Needed list: This is found in the sidebar area. Choice boxes will only give more information on the first course in the list. To see information for ALL courses in the list individually, go to the sidebar, select Still Needed in the header and then open the different sections to access individual course information by clicking the right arrow
  • Video 11: Section 2: @ Wildcards

    06/09/2022 | 06:21

    How to deal with choices and electives that are indicated by a wildcard (@)

    Video 11: Section 2: @ Wildcards

    Created 06/09/2022
    00:00:00 Wildcard: A wildcard is shown where it begins with the @ sign. The word after it, tells you what kind of wildcard it is. Wildcards are used where you have a choice of what course to take, or you have not been accepted on a minor yet, so we cannot put your courses in the plan for you.
    00:00:00 @FREE *** - you should enter a FREE ELECTIVE CHOICE in this box. @MINOR1 *** (or @MINOR ***) - you should enter a course from your minor in this box. @MINOR2/FREE *** - mainly for Humanities students. You can enter a course from your second minor, or a free elective if you decide not to take a second minor. @MAJOR *** - you should enter an elective from your major options in the box.
    00:00:00 Link to undergraduate programs on our web site (Majors and Minors):
  • Video 12: Section 3: Tracking

    06/14/2022 | 02:21

    Understanding tracking in Degree Works

    Video 12: Section 3: Tracking

    Created 06/14/2022
    00:00:00 Tracking activated: The tracking of courses is only possible when a plan is ACTIVE and LOCKED
    00:00:00 Tracking function: Tracking shows a student and advisor any courses that have not been registered when registration closes. Courses not registered will show a WARNING sign and should be moved to the next possible place in the overall plan.
    00:00:00 Semester Off-Track: If a course, or more than one course are not registered by the student in any given semester where registration was available, that semester will be Off-Track. This may also render the overall tracking as Off-Track.
    00:00:00 Warning: The warning sign does not necessarily mean that a student has to register that course. It just indicates that the course was not registered during the registration period and should be moved to another appropriate place in the plan.
  • Video 13: Section 3: Print a Plan

    06/14/2022 | 01:15

    How to print a copy of the plan or save as a pdf back up.

    Video 13: Section 3: Print a Plan

    Created 06/14/2022
    00:00:00 It is always a goof idea to save a printed copy or a pdf copy of your plan every time you make changes, or at least once each semester.
  • Video 14: Section 3: Class History

    06/14/2022 | 00:53

    How to use Class History to check grades and see courses completed and registered, semester-by-semester.

    Video 14: Section 3: Class History

    Created 06/14/2022
    00:00:00 NA: Not available - this will show when a course has not been completed yet or has no final grade assigned in the system.
  • Video 15: Section 3: Processes and rules

    06/23/2022 | 02:45

    Important rules and procedures to follow when using Degree Works.

    Video 15: Section 3: Processes and rules

    Created 06/23/2022
    00:00:00 Hold: An administrative condition which blocks a student from taking certain actions. For example, a Registration Hold will block a student from Registering courses until the hold is removed. Holds can generally be removed by meeting with your academic advisor.
    00:00:00 Minimum registration load: This is currently 12 credit hours per semester.
    00:00:00 Summer Term: Studying in the Summer Term is not compulsory. However, students who have not completed 30 credit hours in the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) are encouraged to make up any shortfall in the summer.
    00:00:00 Summer Credit hours: The standard credit hours for registration is 6. However, Honor's Students may take up to 9 in the Summer. Probation Students may take a maximum of 4 credit hours.
    00:00:00 Honor's Students: Students with Honors status have a Cumulative GPA of 3.60 or higher and may register a maximum of 22 credit hours in a semester.
  • Video 16: Section 3: Using My Links

    06/30/2022 | 03:19

    Important links from the menu bar

    Video 16: Section 3: Using My Links

    Created 06/30/2022
    00:00:00 Early Registration: This is a registration period during the semester when students can register classes early for the next semester.
    00:00:00 Week Zero or Orientation Week: New students register for the first time in this registration period.
    00:00:00 Add/drop: This is a registration period when students can add and drop courses to their registration plan. This is useful if some courses were full during early registration, or a student failed a course in the previous semester and needs to add the failed course into their study plan and drop any courses that they registered early but do not require.
    00:00:00 Add/drop closed: Once add drop is closed, a student cannot add any courses to their plan. If you have less than the minimum requirement registered, you should see your academic advisor immediately. Students can still drop a course up until the 4th week of a regular semester or the first few days of a summer semester, but cannot add if add-drop is closed. This is only possible if the minimum number of credits remains as registered in the plan. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for exact details and dates for each semester.
    00:00:00 Registration Policy:
  • How to view the videos
    06/01/2022 | 02:00
    How to view the videos
    02:00 >

  • Introduction to Degree Works
    05/11/2022 | 03:01
    Introduction to Degree Works
    03:01 >

  • Video1. Section 1: Worksheet view
    05/17/2022 | 04:22
    Video1. Section 1: Worksheet view
    04:22 >

  • Video 2. Section 1: Worksheet: Lower course blocks
    05/18/2022 | 04:41
    Video 2. Section 1: Worksheet: Lower course blocks
    04:41 >

  • Video 3. Section 2: Planning Overview
    05/23/2022 | 03:54
    Video 3. Section 2: Planning Overview
    03:54 >

  • Video 4: Section 2: Import a Full Graduation Plan
    05/24/2022 | 02:36
    Video 4: Section 2: Import a Full Graduation Plan
    02:36 >

  • Video 5: Section 2: Plan Interface
    05/25/2022 | 03:46
    Video 5: Section 2: Plan Interface
    03:46 >

  • Video 6: Section 2: Pre and Corequisites
    06/01/2022 | 04:09
    Video 6: Section 2: Pre and Corequisites
    04:09 >

  • Video 7: Section 2: Add a Summer Term to your plan
    06/06/2022 | 01:28
    Video 7: Section 2: Add a Summer Term to your plan
    01:28 >

  • Video 8: Section 2: Course drag and drop
    06/06/2022 | 02:09
    Video 8: Section 2: Course drag and drop
    02:09 >

  • Video 9: Section 2: Reassign Courses
    06/07/2022 | 01:36
    Video 9: Section 2: Reassign Courses
    01:36 >

  • Video 10: Section 2: Choice or Elective Course Blocks
    06/07/2022 | 03:02
    Video 10: Section 2: Choice or Elective Course Blocks
    03:02 >

  • Video 11: Section 2: @ Wildcards
    06/09/2022 | 06:21
    Video 11: Section 2: @ Wildcards
    06:21 >

  • Video 12: Section 3: Tracking
    06/14/2022 | 02:21
    Video 12: Section 3: Tracking
    02:21 >

  • Video 13: Section 3: Print a Plan
    06/14/2022 | 01:15
    Video 13: Section 3: Print a Plan
    01:15 >

  • Video 14: Section 3: Class History
    06/14/2022 | 00:53
    Video 14: Section 3: Class History
    00:53 >

  • Video 15: Section 3: Processes and rules
    06/23/2022 | 02:45
    Video 15: Section 3: Processes and rules
    02:45 >

  • Video 16: Section 3: Using My Links
    06/30/2022 | 03:19
    Video 16: Section 3: Using My Links
    03:19 >