Stock photos

Save time and create high-quality, professional-looking video content with royalty-free stock photos.

Discover stock photos to fit any theme in ScreenPal’s extensive stock library.  Enjoy access to millions of royalty-free stock images with no complex licensing agreements. Included in PremierMax, & Team plans.

Create engaging content Create engaging content
No licensing agreements No licensing agreements
Save time and production costs Save time and production costs
Use with unlimited projects Use with unlimited projects

Quickly add fun and flair to any video with stock photos

Connect with your audience

Boost engagement and wow your viewers using stock photos from our stock library. Transform tedious presentations and lectures, emphasize your message with stunning visuals, and get creative when sharing your story.

enhance videos with stock image

Discover endless creative possibilities

Browse ScreenPal’s extensive stock library and enjoy unlimited use of millions of stock photos in any video project with a Solo Premier, Solo Max, or Team Plan. Choose from categories like Technology, Business, and Nature. Add captivating stock images as your virtual background for webcam recordings, to a video storyboard, or as a quick video overlay.

browse our stock photo selection

How to add stock photos to videos

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Import your video in the Video Editor.

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Add stock photos

On the video timeline, click Tools, Overlay, Image. Click “Choose from Stock Library”. Search for and select the perfect image. 

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Save and share

Save and share your video with your viewers by uploading it to ScreenPal, posting it on YouTube, or sharing to other popular sites.

Enhance videos for any audience, with stock photos


Engage learners of every age with creative images that support your subject matter. Educators can add stock photos from categories such as Animals and Space. Instructional Designers can choose images related to Technology and Healthcare.


Enhance your presentations by adding a stock photo as a virtual background. Amplify company-wide communication by illustrating data with stock graphics. Skip time-consuming photo shoots and use stock photos for your next campaign.


Increase viewer engagement for your vlogs, podcasts, how-to videos, and social media posts with beautiful stock images related to travel, art, fashion, and food. Add an eye-catching stock background image to captivate your followers.

Add a webcam virtual background

Create webcam content from your home or office and easily add a virtual background using a stock image or your own uploaded image. Virtual backgrounds can hide a disorganized space, protect your privacy, minimize distractions, and add fun and creativity to your video.
Stock photos

Captivate viewers with stock videos and music

Our stock library offers so much more than images. Set the tone for any video with stock music tracks and sound effects, available with all plans. Upgrade to a Solo Premier, Solo Max, or Team Plan to access stock videos. Save time by adding the perfect video without having to create it yourself.
Stock photos
Stock photos
Stock photos
Stock photos
Stock photos
Stock photos
Stock photos

Upgrade for stock photos and more

Our full video creation suite offers an extensive library of stock images and videos, as well as all the tools you need to create captivating videos.

More tools like this: Video Editor | Background remover | Stories | Stock Library

Stock photos: Frequently asked questions

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