Add An Image From Stock Library
Check out our entire selection of stock images in our Stock Library.
Add as many photos as you want to enhance your video projects.
With the ScreenPal Video Editor, you can adjust, resize, and adjust your photos.
Bring lessons to life through videos and images.
Create and collaborate across your schools.
Guide and empower future generations.
Certifications, webinars, and ideas for educators.
Integrate with your top tools and learning management platforms (LMS).
Record your screen for free.
Instantly capture and annotate your screen.
Streamline video creation with storyboards and scripts.
Edit with our intuitive video editor.
Edit screenshots & uploaded images within minutes.
Explore videos, images and music.
Share & protect your videos and image with our content management platform.
Engage with your audience through quiz questions, ratings, and polls.
Understand your audience with advanced video analytics.
The all-in-one video creation and sharing platform.
Integrate with your favorite tools and use video to communicate.
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Check out our entire selection of stock images in our Stock Library.
Add as many photos as you want to enhance your video projects.
With the ScreenPal Video Editor, you can adjust, resize, and adjust your photos.