Transform basic PowerPoint slide presentations into engaging video in a few easy steps. The basic PowerPoint slide deck won’t cut it anymore. Savvy users know it takes more than PowerPoint templates to engage an audience. And they’re integrating other technology to make sure presentations exceed the standard. So don’t be surprised if the next PowerPoint slideshow you see is disguised as a savvy video.
Microsoft PowerPoint users are integrating screen recording tools like ScreenPal. It easily turns slide decks into high-quality videos. Aside from being visually appealing and interactive, these videos forever persevere your PowerPoint. Plus, it’s the perfect solution for employees, co-workers or students who missed the initial presentation.
Unlock the Creativity With Video Presentations
The video creation platform goes beyond capturing slide templates. It allows users to record their webcam and narration giving a standard slideshow a more personal and authentic feel. Showing the actual presentation with your face and voice connects the viewer to your topic, grabbing their attention and improving comprehension of your key points.
When it comes to recording employee training or other educational lectures, this method for recording a PowerPoint presentation is ultimately the best.
In addition, ScreenPal allows users to record their live presentations so they never have to repeat it again. Once the live presentation is over, you can add in additional points as well as mix-and-match media including images and videos for emphasis.
It’s simple to turn any PowerPoint slide into an eye-catching video. So simply that we’ve boiled it down to five easy steps.
Prepare Your PowerPoint Presentation
Before recording, open your PowerPoint presentation. You can capture your presentation on video with the screen recorder.
At ScreenPal, we love using ‘Normal Mode.’ It gives us the best flexibility and options. This mode allows you to adjust your recorder so that it is recording your Powerpoint. You can read off your notes below while recording. Users love this option so they are able to follow along and read their script or outline.
1. Launch ScreenPal & Setup Recorder
ScreenPal offers a screen recorder available for desktop and iOS devices. It’s capable of recording anything on your computer screen, webcam or both simultaneously for picture-in-picture. The ability to add picture-in-picture gives the viewer the ability to connect with you as you showcase your presentation.
Head to the website and launch the screen recorder. Users are able to save screen recordings and manage it. It makes sharing, editing and revising those videos easy and accessible from anywhere.
2. Record Your PowerPoint Presentation
When you launch the screen recorder, a dotted black box will appear on your computer screen. The box dimensions can be changed to fit around your PowerPoint slides.
Simply drag and drop the sides of the box. Move the entire box by clicking the four-way arrow in the center.
Customize Your Recording Options
There are three recording options: Users can record their screen, their webcam, or both with a picture-in-picture option.
Underneath the recording options, there is the ‘Max Time’ section which controls how much time you have for your recording.
Below that, users will find the dimensions of their recording space as outlined by the dotted black box. Customize your dimensions by dragging and dropping the box. There are also three preset options listed by recording quality.
For best results, record your PowerPoints slides in a resolution that works with your hosting services. If you don’t know, we suggest 720p which is a preset size selection for the screen recorder.
The Narration tab allows users to include their own voice in the recording. You can choose an audio source for narration.
Ready to Record?
Once everything is decided, simply click ‘Rec’ to begin recording your PowerPoint. A countdown will flash across the screen. Start your presentation after the word ‘Go’ appears. A dotted red box will appear indicating that you are recording.
Go through your presentation. Feel free to narrate your PowerPoint as if you were presenting in-person. Don’t worry, you also have the option to Narrate over your presentation after recording.
If at any time you need to stop or edit a slide, the recording can be paused. Click the pause button.
Fix or reorder your slides. Then when you’re ready to begin again, hit ‘Rec’ for your presentation to pick up recording right where you left off.
Quick Tip: If you choose webcam, you can add the Green Screen filter in your recorder settings by clicking on the magic wand icon. It gives you the ability to remove your background so you can interact with your PowerPoint and create an authentic delivery of the presentation material. You can also enable Green Screen in the video editor after you finish recording.
Mistakes happen. If you want to restart at any point click the ‘trash’ button to launch a new recording.
4. Add effects using the Video Editor
Once you’ve launched the editor, you have access to a full suite of video editing tools. By clicking on ‘Tools,’ you have a load of options to enhance your recording. Here are several highlighted options you can use on your presentation:
While you’re editing your recorded PowerPoint video, you have the option to hide or show your webcam. This is great for those who want to show their face during certain moments of their presentation.
Pan and Zoom
You can pan and zoom on particular points in a PowerPoint slide. This gives users the ability to showcase movement in their PowerPoint video and highlight certain points. The viewer is able to follow along during the presentation.
You can insert previous recordings or add a video file to enhance your PowerPoint presentation. You can even add a new recording into your video. Let’s say you’ve already done a recording on a particular topic. You can add that recording into your current video presentation so you don’t have to repeat that previous topic.
There is a long list of transitions you can use in the video editor to enhance your PowerPoint.
If you forgot something to say or want to redo your voice over a section of your recording, you can click on ‘Narrate’ to re-record your audio narration.
Green Screen
If you used a webcam in your recording, you can remove your background with the green screen filter. Check out ‘Green Screen features’ for more.
Quick Tip: Your work is never lost. The ScreenPal Video Editor autosaves all revision of your work. Look to the top right-hand corner under ‘Auto Saved’ to see an update on when your work was last saved. This gives you the most flexibility to reuse your presentation multiple times.
Again, mistakes happen but the platform is prepared for it. Directly to the right of the ‘Auto Saved” feature is an arrow pointing left. Click the ‘arrow’ icon to undo editing changes.
5. Publish and Share your PowerPoint Video
Recordings are versatile enough to be shared just about anywhere. PowerPoint screen recordings can be published directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, ScreenPal’s hosting services, or saved on your computer.
You also have the option to Quick Share your video links to social services like Facebook and Twitter or you can email your video presentation.
Next Generation PowerPoint
Video is ushering in a new wave of presenting PowerPoint. So don’t get caught using the same free ppt templates from years ago. Add some pizazz and personality to your project with ScreenPal. Share your link, save time and make an unforgettable presentation. And most importantly, a video version of your PowerPoint presentation saves you a repeat performance.