Video sharing

Share videos quickly and securely with ScreenPal’s online video hosting platform. Easily share video files with quick links, custom URLs, responsive embed codes, and video channels.

Share unlimited videos Share unlimited videos
Customize video links Customize video links
Share via embed code Share via embed code
Control video privacy Control video privacy

Share video files effortlessly with ScreenPal

Instantly share videos anywhere

Share your content instantly with ScreenPal. Effortlessly share videos through direct video links, custom URLs, embed codes, or channels for seamless communication.

share videos with a custom link

Upload and share unlimited videos

Easily upload and share unlimited videos while having complete control over privacy settings. Choose to publish videos as public, unlisted, password protected, or only with members of your team account. Conveniently organize videos for enhanced accessibility and usability.

upload and share unlimited videos

Share with responsive embed code

Effortlessly share videos on your website, blog, or LMS with responsive embed code. Customize your viewers’ experience with player control options, and manage how your viewers can share your content. Ensure your audience enjoys high-quality playback on any device with our ad-free and accessible video player.

share videos with responsive embed code

How to share videos with ScreenPal

slack 1


Upload your video to your free ScreenPal hosting account.

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Select how you want to share your video. Copy your video link to share directly, create a custom short link, copy responsive embed code, or create and share a video channel.

slack 3


Use our quick share buttons to share to social media or share your video link directly with your audience. Embed your video or channel anywhere, including your website, blog, or LMS.

How to share video files

ScreenPal’s video hosting platform simplifies the process of sharing video files of any size, offering a range of methods to fit your unique communication needs.

Video links

Maximize reach with quick share links, instantly delivering your message to diverse audiences. Utilize direct video links for precise, targeted sharing. Customize video links to enhance brand visibility, facilitating easy, efficient, and effective video sharing via your ScreenPal hosting account.

Embed video

Maximize visibility using embed codes on your ScreenPal account. Gain control over player sizes, captions, autoplay, and other features for a seamless user experience. Enhance your reach with responsive designs, ensuring optimal video playback on all devices.

Video channels

Amplify your reach using ScreenPal’s video channels. Choose between a playlist or carousel view for easy navigation. Benefit from organized content, tailored viewer experiences, and increased brand visibility.

Record and edit videos for free

Create engaging, authentic videos with ScreenPal’s free screen recorder. Record your screen, webcam, or both with voiceover narration. Remove, blur, or replace your webcam background with a virtual background. Enhance your recording in the free video editor, set the tone with free background music, and then upload your video directly to ScreenPal from the app to share.
record your screen and webcam for free

Customize video title and description

Craft compelling video titles and descriptions on ScreenPal to captivate your audience. Refine your content over time, optimizing engagement and improving the viewing experience. Remember, you can edit and enhance your work at any point!
customize your video title and description

Easily adjust video privacy settings

Manage your video privacy with ease on ScreenPal. Set passwords, define publish and expiration dates, and share unlisted links to manage your video visibility. Experience peace of mind knowing you have full control over your content’s reach.
manage your video visibility and privacy

Improve engagement with AI-powered features

Streamline your workflow and make your videos more accessible with AI-generated video titles, summaries, and transcripts. Help your viewers easily navigate your content with time-stamped links and video chapters.
video analytics

Everything you need in a free video sharing platform

Host, manage, and share unlimited videos, all for free. Experience seamless sharing with custom URLs, direct links, and responsive embed codes. Engage your audience with our accessible, ad-free video player.

Video Sharing
Video Sharing
Video Sharing
Video Sharing
Video Sharing
Video Sharing

Upgrade for complete content sharing

With a paid ScreenPal plan, our robust content management platform also includes:

More tools like this: Video link | Video player | Embed video | Video management

Video sharing: Frequently asked questions

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