What’s new:
Exciting news! You can now choose not only to replace a video with an existing ScreenPal video but also with a new video file that you’ve uploaded from your device.
What’s new:
Exciting news! You can now choose not only to replace a video with an existing ScreenPal video but also with a new video file that you’ve uploaded from your device.
What’s new:
Your embed choices are now saved automatically to your other videos, and you can modify these options anytime you prefer.
What’s improved:
Enhanced the appearance of player controls and embed options,
What’s improved:
What’s fixed:
What’s fixed:
What’s new:
Enjoy more control over your viewing experience! Now, you can choose to auto-mute embedded videos during autoplay, but don’t worry, you can unmute them anytime.
What’s improved:
What’s improved:
What’s fixed:
What’s improved:
What’s fixed:
What’s fixed: