Video upload

Enjoy unlimited free video uploads with ScreenPal’s free hosting platform and securely manage all your videos in one location. Record your own video, or upload existing content. Easily share with others and control privacy settings.

Unlimited video uploads Unlimited video uploads
Drag & drop video manager Drag & drop video manager
Free hosting, no ads ever Free hosting, no ads ever
Control video privacy Control video privacy

Securely upload unlimited videos with ScreenPal

Quick & easy video uploading

Streamline video management by uploading videos to ScreenPal’s free hosting platform. Conveniently upload videos online or publish directly from ScreenPal’s screen recorder and video editor. You can even upload images to your account as well.

free video upload platform

Share uploaded videos in seconds

Share your uploaded videos in seconds with ScreenPal. Embed your videos in just a few clicks, or copy a video link to send to others. ScreenPal makes it effortless to distribute your content across various sites.

share your uploaded videos

Record and edit videos for free

Create engaging, authentic videos for free with ScreenPal’s video recorder. Record your screen, webcam, or both. Remove, blur, or replace your webcam background with a virtual background to personalize your content. Enhance your recording in the free video editor, set the perfect tone with free background music, and then upload your video directly to ScreenPal from the app to host and share.
record your screen and webcam for free

How to upload a video to ScreenPal

slack 1

Upload video

Create your free ScreenPal hosting account and upload unlimited videos (MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, or FLV files).

slack 2

Customize settings

Manage your video settings on the video detail page, including video title, video description, privacy settings, video thumbnail, captions, publish/expiration dates, and more.

slack 3


Easily share your video with others using content channels, embed code, or copy the video link to share to send to others.

Upload videos to your favorite platforms

With ScreenPal’s video editor and screen recorder, creators can effortlessly upload videos to a wide range of platforms to connect and share videos with others.

ScreenPal hosting

Upload to ScreenPal’s secure, ad-free hosting platform online, or directly from our screen recorder and video editor, for an easy, streamlined workflow.


Directly upload videos to YouTube using ScreenPal’s screen recorder and video editor. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless video upload experience.

Google Drive

ScreenPal works great with Google Drive! Conveniently upload your videos to Google Drive when publishing your videos from our screen recorder and video editor.


Easily upload a video directly to Dropbox while publishing from ScreenPal’s screen recorder and video editor to easily store and share them with others.


Create professional-looking, engaging videos with ScreenPal, then easily upload and share them on Vimeo when publishing your video.


Set up ScreenPal with your Learning Management System (LMS) to launch our screen recorder and video editor, then upload and share videos with your class.

Easily manage all your videos in one location

Enjoy secure hosting, customizable privacy settings, easily shareable video links, embeddable video codes, video channels, and more. Take advantage of features like the intuitive drag-and-drop media manager and flexible carousel and list view options to organize your videos and images.
upload videos to ScreenPal's free hosting platform

Safely control your video privacy

ScreenPal’s free hosting platform empowers you with robust privacy controls. Protect your videos, control visibility, set publish/expiration dates, assign passwords, and more. Decide who sees your content and when, ensuring optimal privacy and control.
control privacy for your video upload

Upload all your videos to ScreenPal for free

Streamline your video creation with ScreenPal. Easily create, upload, and host unlimited video for free. Free hosting features include:

Video upload
Video upload
Video upload
Video upload
Video upload
Video upload

Customize the viewing experience for your audience

Customize the video player with a paid plan. Select whether viewers will see the video title, player controls, captions, full screen mode, and playback speed options. Choose to autoplay your video or require a click. Control whether viewers can download, copy the video URL, embed, and share your video on social.
customize the video player

Add branding to the video player

Customize the viewing experience to match your brand, content or personality by updating video player colors to match and uploading a logo to display on your video.
add branding to uploaded videos

Improve engagement with AI-powered features

Streamline your workflow and make your videos more accessible with AI-generated video titles, summaries, and transcripts. Help your viewers easily navigate your content with time-stamped links and video chapters.
video analytics

Upgrade for our full video hosting features

Take the video viewing experience to the next level with a paid ScreenPal account.  Customize the video viewing experience even further with ScreenPal paid features:

Video upload: Frequently asked questions

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